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3ChemBio Online store

As a web developer, I had the privilege of creating a Web-based online store application that seamlessly integrates with "My Own web/CMS Engine". The application includes a variety of features that are designed to enhance the shopping experience for customers, including products, shopping cart, web site content pages, discount rules, membership, and bonus plan modules.

To ensure a secure and efficient payment process, I integrated the application with both PayPal and Stripe payment gateways. This allows customers to easily and safely make purchases without any concerns about payment security.

Furthermore, I also integrated the application with third-party web-based POS systems, which allows for the synchronization of retail shop invoices. This feature ensures that customers have access to real-time information on their purchases and helps to streamline the overall shopping experience.

The "My Own web/CMS Engine" used in the online store application is the same as the one used on this website.

09 Jul 2020
Yakult Web Site
Tempo Peach Tissue Campaign 2018