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Something About me
I am interested in Software development and drawing cartoons (manga). My first desktop computer was APPLE II, my first handheld computer was Casio FX-702P, and my and my first shareware target device was Sharp PC-1500.

I am interested in Software development and drawing cartoons (manga).

My first desktop computer was APPLE II, my first handheld computer was Casio FX-702P, and my and my first shareware target device was Sharp PC-1500.

Personal Computer owned,


Other Computer Devices owned,

I am a Hong Kong Windows CE User Group member; sometime I will be show up in their meeting before.

I am interested in creating animation, and drawing comic. I have been using "3D Animation Master" to create 3D computer animation, and now I am start to use Bamboo paper to try to draw comic on computer.

Some application written for other company
Palm OS


AUG 2001
Some application written for other company
OrangeWorld Browser, AIA Agency plan calculator, Centaline Mortgage Calculator, Financial Tools  
Y2K Bugs Game
Windows CE


JAN 2000
Y2K Bugs Game
Kill Y2K Bugs by tap with your stylus.